Cummings Compass Research Contact
Bill Cummings Photo

W.S (Bill) Cummings: Partner

Bill Cummings is a highly experienced regional business economist.

He was born and educated in Cairns and took an Economics Degree from the University of Queensland, Brisbane, in 1961, with majors in economics, accounting and maths/statistics/statistical mathematics.

This was followed by seven years experience in economic research in Canberra as a research officer with the Department of Trade and as the research officer of the Australian Chamber of Commerce.

He returned north in 1968 and spent five years as Manager of the Ingham District Research & Promotion Bureau followed by eight years as Manager of the Far North Queensland Development Bureau and its Sub Board for Tourism & Travel now Tourism Tropical North Queensland.

He set up his own economic and market research business in 1981. Apart from carrying out wide ranging economic and market research covering almost all aspects of the economy (especially in Australia’s tropical north east), he has served on numerous boards and committees over the years, including as Deputy Chairman of the North Australia Development Council and on the Council of James Cook University of North Queensland.

Bill Cummings: Curriculum Vitae

Bill Cummings: Special Contact With Asia

Janet Cummings: Partner

Janet Cummings was born in Townsville and educated in Townsville and Cairns. Her career has included school teaching, professional theatre and broadcasting. Since 1981, as partner, her key roles in the firm have related to report production, quality control and staff supervision.

Jennifer Brownie: Research Consultant

Jennifer Brownie holds a Bachelor of Business (Rural Management) from the University of Queensland. Jennifer's business experience has included the multinational company of Cargill, as a Commercial Manager with the Australian Wheat Board and experience in setting up and conduct of rural centres' Chambers of Commerce.

Jennifer has carried out a great deal of business / industry research for Cummings Economics, especially in mining, rural industries, energy, transport and road studies. She is highly experienced in executive interviewing, corporate and industry research.

Research Teams

The firm draws regularly on a trained and highly experienced team of ten research assistants and interviewers to carry out large information, economic and market research tasks..

Cummings Economics Recent Studies

  • Sealing last links Savanah Way Cairns to Broome - Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Cairns Education Facilities - Economic Impact
  • Lakeland Project Urban Centre Development - Economic Impact
  • Mareeba Development Statistical Profile
  • Cairns Regional Council Development Incentives Review
  • Waste Management - Economic Assessment
  • Cairns Airport Aviation Services Development - Economic Impact Assessment
  • Stratford Cultural Centre Development - Feasibility Assessment
  • Water Park Development - Economic Impact Assessment
  • Bike Trail Network Croydon Shire - Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Cooya Beach Reservoir Connection - Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Rex Smeal Playground Port Douglas - Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Cairns Marine Precinct Upgrade Stage 2 - Economic Impact Cost Benefit Assessment
  • Bamaga Airport Runway Upgrade - Cost Benefit Analysis
  • MSF Sugar Cairns Region - Economic Impact Assessment
  • Leagues Club Grandstand Upgrade - Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Cotton Gin Project - Economic Impact Assessment
  • Tourism Tropical North QLD - Statistical Profile
  • Indigenous Tourism - Statistical Profile
  • Papua New Guinea Pacific Trade Development Report
  • Cairns Show Association - Economic Impact Assessment
  • The Palms Residential Tourism Development Project - Economic Impact Assessment
  • Tourism Cairns Region Historical Review
  • Regional Development Australia Strategic Plan - Statistical Profile
  • Galalar Silica Project - Economic Impact
  • Cairns Community Markets - Economic Impact
  • Dixie Way Normanton to Peninsular Road Link - Cost Benefit Assessment
  • Mareeba Heritage Centre - Cost Benefit Assessment
  • Yirrganydji Indigenous Cultural Tourism Product - Feasibility Assessment
  • Cairns Airport Aviation Sector - Economic Impact
  • Mareeba Water Plant Upgrade - Cost Benefit Assessment
  • Nullinga Dam Project Snapshot
  • Yarrabah Community Economic Profile
  • Normanton Burketown Road Link Sealing - Cost Benefit Assessment
  • Mareeba Sewer System Upgrade - Cost Benefit Assessment
  • Chillagoe Water Bore & Water Main Construction - Cost Benefit Assessment
  • Cairns College of English & Business - Economic Impact Assessment
  • Agnes Water Eco Tourism Park - Economic Need & Impact Assessment
  • Great Barrier Reef Review of Economic Value
  • Mareeba Shire Unemployment Trends Statistical Review
  • CQUniversity Proposed CBD Campus - Economic Impact
  • Davies Ck Bridge Springmount Rd Mareeba Shire Council - Cost Benefit Assessment
  • Tablelands Regional Council Mary Street Bridge - Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Lakeland Economic Trends & Prospects - Review
  • Cultural Island Reef Project - Economic Impact Assessment
  • Argyle Diamond Mine Closure Strategy - Potential Projects - Initial Assessment
  • Argyle Diamond Mine Closure Studies
    • Preliminary Economic Profile
    • Post Mining Opportunities Analysis
  • Chillagoe Town Water Supply - Economic Impact Benefit Cost Analysis
  • Mareeba Snapshot 2019 – Statistical Profile & Articles
  • Atherton Forest Mountain Bike Park - Benefit Cost/ Economic Impact Analysis
  • International Education in the Cairns Economy - Economic Impact & Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Major Development – Northern Beaches - Report on Need
  • New Mapoon Community Economic Development Plan
  • Causes of Higher Costs of Operation in Remote Areas - Results of Survey of Larger Businesses & Organisations – Normanton Qld
  • Trends in Tourism in Tropical North Queensland
    • Note 1 : Market Share Analysis
    • Note 2 : Aviation Statistics Market Share, Seat Capacity & Airfare Analysis
    • Note 3 : Economic Influences
  • Babinda & Gordonvale – Economic Development Strategy & Plan Update
  • Far North Queensland Aviation Museum - Economic Impact/ Benefit Cost Assessment
  • The Cairns Chinese Cultural & Heritage Centre Proposal - Benefit Cost & Economic Impact Analysis
  • Carpentaria Shire Council - Overarching Strategic Development Plan - Project – Road Network Study - Economic Impact/ Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Carpentaria Shire Council - Overarching Strategic Development Plan - Project – Normanton Raw Water Project - Economic Impact/Benefit Cost Analysis
  • Agriculture in Tropical Australia & the Case for Expansion of the Mareeba Dimbulah Water Supply System
  • Direct Air Services between Lae PNG & Cairns Australia - Business Case
  • Home Hill Sports Centre & Emergency Cyclone Shelter, Economic Impact & Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Review of State Government Long-Term Population Projections in Regional Queensland from the 1970s Onwards
  • Cultural & Creative Businesses Survey
  • Cultural & Creative Activities in the Cairns Region - Estimates of Economic Impact
  • Adventure Waters Project - Economic Impact Assessment
  • NPA Airport at Bamaga - Proposed Airport Terminal Upgrade - Economic Impact Benefit Cost Analysis
  • Estimated Likely Economic Impact of Passenger Carrying Capacity - New Cargo Vessel
  • Mareeba Snapshot 2018 – Statistical Profile & Articles
  • Double Island Resort Palm Cove - Demand Assessment & Economic Impact
  • Kuranda Barang Street Sewerage Pump Station Upgrade - Benefit Cost & Economic Impact
  • City Tourist Attraction - Demand Assessment & Economic Impact
  • Gateway to the Cape Project Information Centre - Benefit Cost & Economic Impact Analysis
  • Tully Multi-Use Sporting Complex & Grandstand - Benefit Cost & Economic Impact Analysis
  • Proposed New Hotel Gordonvale - Economic & Social Impact in the Gordonvale Area
  • Mareeba Industrial Park Expansion - Benefit Cost & Economic Impact
  • Background Kuranda - “Village in the Rainforest”
  • KUR-World EIS Social Impact Analysis - Supplementary Information
  • Cairns Airport Capital Project - Economic Impacts
  • Cooktown Marine Project - Marine Infrastructure Audit
  • Rezoning Captain Cook Hwy Property Clifton Beach Cairns - Report on Need
  • Mareeba Industrial Park Heavy Vehicle Road Development - Benefit Cost Analysis
  • Projected Tourism Growth Cairns Region
  • Castaways Mission Beach Development - Demand Assessment
  • Cairns - Leading Population Growth in Regional Queensland Research Paper
  • Cairns - Leading Population Growth in Northern Australia Research Paper
  • Cultural & Creative Activity in the Cairns Region - Comparative Statistical Analysis
  • CE Ref J3129 Demographics of the Cairns Region – Statistical Analysis